
The Yorkshire Cycle Diaries

The Yorkshire Cycle Diaries offers an historical perspective of Yorkshire and beyond whether you’re a cyclist or not. Fred Revis and his pals regularly ride long distances on often unmade roads making observations on life and Yorkshire in general. Covering the years 1922-1928, The Yorkshire Cycle Diaries contain a unique snapshot of a young man growing up in Yorkshire between the wars. Paperback: £10 incl’ Post & Packing


Church of St Giles, Imber: In a Different Light details the work of the Wiltshire Medieval Graffiti Survey and its discoveries within the church at the abandoned & now militarized zone of Imber upon Salisbury Plain. Comprising of folk art, mason’s marks and historical graffiti the finds are presented using high resolution photography and annotations that provide a unique snapshot of life within the 15th century in an isolated rural setting. Further time periods are also represented bringing together tangible evidence of life within a Wiltshire village & its relationship with St Giles church. £9.95 plus £2.80 P&P.

Church of St Giles, Imber: In a Different Light
